Friday, December 15, 2006

... one can not question the existence of feelings, they are there, raw and undeniable. but one can choose to not nurture what is felt. yet, no matter what they say, what has been felt will always be more honest than what was chosen. hence, true realities are not built by the mind but by the heart ...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

... it is better to have nobody than somebody who is half yours, half there or doesn't want to be there, or is there and then suddenly disappears ...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

a girl asked her ex-boyfriend, "what made you leave me?"

the guy answered, "i tried a day without you...
just one day of not thinking of you,
not even hearing your voice...
guess what?
i realized...
i still feel complete even without you..."

the girl just stood there, then she felt it,
a tear fell from her eye,
she wiped it and took a deep breath and looked straight into the guy's eye and just smiled...

it is never the tears that measure our pain,
sometimes, it is the smile we fake,
just to show them that we are okey...
leaving a love you've suddenly outgrown can be heartbreaking,
but it also shows you are strong enough to walk away
from a relationship that no longer makes you happy...
moving out of your comfort zone can be down right scary,
but it also proves just how brave you are to take on the unknown...
we always do a little growing up everytime we do a little letting go...