Just like in a relationship, you just don’t think that you should enter into a relationship because you will already marry the person. You enter into a relationship to get to know the person better and discern if he indeed could be that person walking down the aisle with you. You have to spend some time with him and find out if the two of you are compatible and could hit it off. You wont know this by not giving the guy a chance.
You would not know all these things just by the looks of the girl/guy or your first impression of her/him. Once you are in that relationship, that’s the best chance to build on what the two of you already have. Don’t break up with someone just because you don’t see yourself with the other person for the rest of your life. Don’t jeopardize a possibly wonderful relationship.
How would you know that the other person is the right one if you don’t give her/him a chance to prove his worth? How would you know that she/he could be the one if you prematurely cut off the relationship because at the moment you don’t see yourself sharing the future with him? How would you know this if you don’t give him a chance? And I tell you that it will take you a long
time (or possibly never) to find another girl/guy like him.
Remember that its not everyday that you meet someone who has the magic to let you fall in love!!!!!
It might be possible that you would still remain as friends. But being together opens a lot of possibilities and opportunities that friends do not get. Even if you remain as friends, you would not be as close as before. The intensity and the same feeling is no longer there. The relationship will no longer be on the same level. We can predict the future, we just need to hope and to pray for the best and for what is right and believe that’s how it will be.
In the movie Cant Hardly Wait, there was a line in that movie that goes something like this: Fate takes you just as far. Destiny is when everything falls right into place and its just up to you to make it happen. Destiny is a mixture of chance and of choice. Its not a thing to be awaited. You must make it happen. Don’t you feel that everything has already fallen right into place its up to you to make it happen?
Everything is just so right and how would the both of you know if this indeed is fate or the plan if you would not give it a try. The only way for you to know is to at least give the relationship a chance and find out for yourselves. Don’t miss this chance of finding it out because of some unfounded fears.
At least if you give it a try, you can say that you did your best and you found out for yourselves. Not just base on some fear and apprehension that are just part of the countless possibilities that might apprehension that are just part of the countless possibilities that might happen. If it doesn’t work, at least, after may years you would know if the both of you really were meant for each other rather than regret and bear the thought of all the things that might have been? At least you would clear all the what ifs and the only ifs in the future. It will give the both of you peace of mind.
Would you find it too much of a coincidence that the both of you hit it off so wonderfully. It seemed that you’ve known each other for so long already though you have not known each other for that long. It seemed that you knew each other from another life. And each of you enjoyed every bit of it. You were like soulmates who finally found each other after a very long separation. You had everything going so well. Everything happened as if everything just fell right in place. Would you consider it fate? Its up to you to make it happen. What do you think?
You might say this is something serious and that I might be making a big mistake and that I would just like to play it cool. No room for ambiguity here. Better, safe than sorry! Better safe than sorry?! To be honest in this world we live in there is not a full proof plan that exist. If you always bear this idea in mind, I don’t know if you would eventually find someone. You might just bee too scared of the bad things that you would end up missing all the good stuff!!..
The best that you can do is give the relationship a chance. You can never a succeed without even trying. You should always hope for the best. And to hope is to risk pain try is to risk failure but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing is to risk even more. You might be taking the risk of losing the one matters to you.
Guarantee that you will be second to none. You would not completely know if she/he may already be the one if you don’t give it a try will be more painful to lose someone you love and who loves you more just because your right time. How will you ever know if this is already the right thing at the right time now? When will you really know when the right time is? You cannot love a person too know how soon it will be too late. The greatest injustice love can ever offer is your right time only to find out later that it was the right person.
You’ve got so much going on right now. You have a lot of things in common. Imagine what tomorrow. You still have a lot of things ahead of you. Learn about each other together. You come to love not by finding a perfect person perfectly. And besides. Nobody is perfect. When you truly love some faults and you overlook excuses. If you truly love someone, you just don’t bail because there is something wrong with her. You’ll know that its true love you are have willing to love that person despite of his or her flaws or infirmities. The reason of your destiny.
But destiny will suggest that you’ll live without her, then why live not by destiny but of free will?
Listen carefully to what your heart says, enjoy the feeling of being in love and do how things will work out, do not be afraid to love just because you are afraid to get hurt…………..
you'll suddenly realize how worse that person is...
that's just a pathetic part of being in love,
that sometimes even the "worst person in this world"
can be the "person for your own belief"...
The moving sands
change time and being
grain by grain.
We are all aging every day whether we go from 29 to 30 or 59 to 60.
How we decide to deal with the aging process determines whether we will feel anger and despair or whether we will decide to accept those changes which will inevitably occur as we age.
If we take care of our health, retain our self-esteem, continue to develop our mental capacities and participate in activities which we find enjoyable, then aging will become less of a burden and more of a challenge.
it's nice that you become a part of me
but i'm not quite sure if you feel the same way too.
i know, i'm no one to you but still...
i'm sure that you consider me as one of your friends.
as time passes by,
i've noticed that there is something in you
that i really can't explain,
i don't know why,
but i realized,
i'm starting to love you more and more.
not just a love for a buddy or a friend,
but a special kind of love.
the way you smile,
being sweet and thoughtful,
your concern,
and how you treat me,
it makes me feel secure from everything.
people around us, questions my existence to you,
why do i hang out with you?
why i waste my time on you?
i really don't know what are the perfect words to use to answer them back.
i, myself keep on seeking the answers "why do i feel this way?"
all i know is that,
if they could only see what i see in you
they'd be crazy loving you too.
it's really embarrassing to tell you but i just want you to know
how i really feel,
i didn't mean to feel this way
because i loved you unexpectedly.
i'm not expecting anything in return from you,
just say "thank you," it's more than enough for me,
for me to know that you appreciate me in some way.
don't feel sorry for me,
don't feel awkward around me,
for it would hurt me, knowing that you don't feel the same .
i know it will be hard for the both of us to treat each other the same way as before,
for this feelings i have for you made a gap between us.
please remain as my friend for in that way
i could show you that i love you,
i don't think i'll be okey if i'll lose the one person that i love.
just let me care for you,
for in caring a friend,
i don't have to face the risk of losing you...
let the past be the past...
God is doing new things, get right or get left...
think about it, then let it go...
you take the risk, face the pain
and yet place it in a special part of you.
and when the time comes that you need to erase it,
you have to endure again the pain
and realize that it will forever leave a scar.
a scar that will always remind you, that you once had a tattoo.
a tattoo that for sometime symbolized something so special.
things happen because they are meant to happen.
that's why we forgive people,
even if they hurt us, we love people who don't love us
and we smile despite every painful crash in our hearts.
at the end of the day,
the lesson you get are the answers to your decisions.
... there will be days when you get home from a party and forget what the fun was about, or have a very long, intimate conversation, yet feel there are still words left unspoken, or embrace your special someone, yet never have the strength to say you care so much, life tells us that happiness is never absolute. so while it's still there, seize the moment, cause it may never come again...
it's hard letting go of the person you love...
even when you know it's for the better...
when they walk out of your door with a simple goodbye...
it shatters your heart into a million pieces...
it may even bring down your knees...
praying that they will turn back around
and step into your life...
to love you once more...
the pain you go through can practically kill you,
but deep down inside...
you have some hope...
dat somebody...
the love you set free will fly back to it's home...
some would even go over board and confess their heart's inner desire or secret.
but when the spirit of alcohol fizzles out and you become sober,
you revert back to the same old person wearing a mask or a cloak.
after the hang over, you realize how stupid you are.
but on what aspect?
for doing things while you were drunk
or for being true to yourself?
it's good to decide when all ideas come in hand for it leads us to right decisions,
but you know what?
it's still best to listen, follow and decide with your own heart and judgment.
keep this mind...
the love of two individuals can only be felt by the heart that beats,
not the eyes of others...
so when loving, learn to listen but decide on your own...
after all, you know what can make you happy...
sometimes, it's not about who i deserve but who i really want...
regrettably, the person i badly want turns out to be someone who just stole my heart away and left it out in the open to bleed...
it's unfair and at the same time stupid because i did let him do so...
and for a moment, i actually like the feeling of falling and beeing fooled...
what's sad is that after the crying, when i'm already tired, i'd still let him take my heart away...
that person gets to you and you are never the same.
that person turns your world inside out,
upside down,
round and round,
that person comes in and settles in.
that person walks in and comes into your life and you are never ever the same,
that's what you did to me,
i had my moment with you and i am never the same.
you changed everything that i believed in and now you are
walking away from me...